Ayurveda No.1

For someone who has no experience with ayurveda but has been practicing yoga, what can you tell them about it?

Ayurveda simply describes two words: ayur or ayurs that means “the life” and veda which means “the knowledge”. Together they represent an exclusive knowledge of the lifeforce - the soul, which dwells in the human body and in its dynamics.

वीरभद्रासन B | Virrabhadrasana B  

Inhale… Exhale. Hands in prayer position.

Inhale. Bend knees and jump legs apart with arms extended out to sides.

Look down at the distance between the legs. Adjust the outer foot-bones inline with wrist-bones.

Keep the extension of the arms. Look down at the left foot and turn the toes in 2 cm towards the middle of the mat.